Money Mindsets of 2019
Earlier this year, I started a new activity at the A Rich Life™ workshops and events. I’m a big believer in making sessions interactive – many of us learn better when we are “doing” (vs. just listening). Plus, I think activities are more fun too (and when was the last time you heard the word fun in relation to a conversation about personal finance?!?!)
In this activity there are two cards that participants can choose from. There’s not a meaningful difference between the cards, they are simply prompts to get people thinking.
The top of one card reads, “The word that best describes my ideal money mindset is:” and the other says “How do you want to feel about your financial journey?”
The words people have written in response to these prompts have varied. There have also been some consistent themes. A few observations from the field....
The most popular word chosen is SECURE
CONFIDENT is a very close #2
Other common themes are comfortable, empowered and ready
I’ve also noticed a trend with words such as proud, successful, and happy
As I dug into the long list of words shared in 2019, I found myself completely captivated. I’m a big believer that paying attention to our financial journey is part of our overall wellness, and these words – these emotions that people shared – reinforce why it’s so important. Money comes in and out of our lives daily, and the thoughts and emotions that come along on the ride can influence how we feel overall.
I’ve seen a few cards that have reminded me how much more opportunity we have to spread our wings and OWN our financial wellness. For example, when asked about their ideal money mindset, one attendee offered “OK”. When it comes to your ideal mindset, I believe you can feel more than OK! Here are a few tips that might help:
Know where you stand. If you’re a skier like I am, you know that one of the first things you do when you get to the top of the mountain is consult the big map and find the red “You Are Here” pin. Once you have an awareness of where you are…all kinds of things become clearer! It’s much easier to understand your options when you know where you stand with your personal finances today.
Choose how you want to feel. Sometimes it’s hard to tap into how we want to feel…especially when we’re constantly on the go. I invite you to stop reading, close your eyes, take 3 deep breaths. Ask yourself, “how do I want to feel about my financial journey? What is my ideal money mindset?” Now, what came to mind? If lots of words flooded in, that’s ok! Pick the first feeling that came to mind and go with it. You can always choose another one at another time.
Take aligned actions. Now that you have more clarity on where you are and how you want to feel, it’s time to act. If you want to feel more knowledgeable about financial concepts, you can learn! If you want to feel more organized, stop scrunching up dollars bills at the bottom of your pocket and straighten up your wallet. By taking actions that are aligned to your desires, you will strengthen your confidence in your financial decision-making. You can start with small steps, and you’ll immediately feel the peace that comes with taking aligned actions – less second guessing, more conviction.
For me, this is an ongoing process…. Life changes constantly and I’m continuously reevaluating where I am on my financial journey. I’m also persistently reminding myself that I can choose how I want to feel, and it’s up to me to ensure that my actions and behaviors are aligned and in support of this choice.
Some folks wrote the words abundant and intentional on their cards – I love these! Even seeing them on paper gave me a motivational boost! And it's a wonderful reminder that I can set big intentions and work toward them. Achieving an “ideal” state may seem like a lofty goal, but this your life we are talking about here! And there is no better place to dream big than your own life!
How about you? What word describes your ideal money mindset?
Write it down and keep it in a spot you’ll remember. Next time you have a financial decision you are considering, pull out your card and center yourself in how you want to feel about your financial picture. Then, go ahead and make your decision with confidence!
p.s. If you'd like to share your word in the comments below, I’d love to hear it!