How to Turn Financial Worries Into Financial Action

Have you ever been to an Earthquake Expo?


I have. And it’s a great place to pick up a crank radio if you’re ever in the market…


Before I moved to California, earthquakes were not part of my life experience. 


Hurricanes? You bet. Blizzards? For sure. But earthquakes?? Nope. I can say with conviction that growing up on the East Coast, it never occurred to me that it might be safer to construct a building on rollers!


The memories of being handed a bright red “earthquake bag” on the first day of my new job are vivid. I was told not to worry, but to be prepared. 


“Keep a pair of sneakers at your desk and some gloves in your car. Stash some nutrition bars and water in both places. Do it now and then you won’t have to worry about it – it will be done!”


At first, all the earthquake talk felt really scary. How many earthquakes were coming? When? 


Recognizing that I could not control the San Andreas fault, I focused on what I could control. I did some research and learned the earthquake essentials. I tagged along with some co-workers to the Earthquake Expo. I packed a kit for my car and my home. 


And then I decided to let it go. Maybe I would need my earthquake kit someday, or maybe I would not. Either way, it felt good to know that I took action to be prepared. By channeling my nerves into productivity, I had more knowledge, more tools, and more confidence to face the uncertain future. Plus, how could having extra snacks nearby and at the ready not be a good idea?!?


Feeling prepared feels empowering….


As energetic and driven high achievers, we can all affect significant change and achieve countless goals. There’s lots we can - and do - control in our lives! 


And yet, where do we spend most of our time with our thoughts and our energy?? On the things we cannot control!  


Will she be upset if I go to the opening?

Is he going to call? 

Are they coming to the party next weekend?


Take a moment and replay your brain’s highlight reel from your day so far… many of the things you’ve been thinking about today are ones you can control?  


When it comes to our financial lives, the tendency to focus on things we cannot control is no different. For example, some of the most common investor questions include:


      Is the market up or down?

      What’s happening with interest rates?

      Are we going to enter a recession in 2020?


It’s OK to have these questions - and the answers to them may impact your investment portfolios. However, it’s critical that we remember these are things we cannot control. 


When you find yourself fixating on things you can’t influence, try focusing your energy toward areas you can control. When it comes to your financial wellness, there’s lots you can control!


      Your spending habits

      If you have a financial plan

      How often you monitor your progress to your goals

      The way you interact with money

      Seeking professional support when you have questions


There’s lots you can do to take action and prepare for your financial future. Simply by being here, you’re already making your financial wellness a priority – which is awesome! 


Our thoughts and energy about money can sometimes go sideways. That’s because we’re human!! While you can’t control the stock markets or global economic sentiment, next time you find yourself thinking about something you can’t control, try to redirect your thoughts and energy to something you can take action on. Remember, feeling prepared feels empowering!