5 Tips to Transforming Your Days at Home

How have your daily routines changed since COVID-19 entered your life? 


When I talk to friends, family members and clients, they all have different tales about how their lives have been affected. However, there is a one common thread throughout their stories – things are different


Maybe you’re not working now. Maybe you’re working more than ever. Maybe you’ve become a teacher of arithmetic or social studies. Maybe you’ve even become the household teacher of how to use those mysterious washing machines that clean everyone’s dishes and clothes.


It feels….unusual. 


When faced with uncertainty, humans can react in lots of different ways. One tactic I’ve employed? It’s a classic……simply pull the covers up and crawl back into bed!! 


OK, OK….I hear you…that might not be seen as the most productive reaction, but it’s a real one that sometimes occurs. 


A (more productive) practice that has helped me face uncertain times is bringing more intention to my days. 


Setting an intention is different than setting a goal, a resolution or giving yourself a task list. When we set an intention, we connect with our inner desires and what’s truly important to us. For example, saving enough money for a new car next year is a goal. Being more present or bringing more kindness to others are intentions.  


With an intention, we root ourselves in our thoughts and emotions – that stuff that’s already constantly running through our minds and bodies. Because these things are there already, I’ve found that actually voicing your intentions can feel really empowering. Intentions are about tuning in to live your life in a way that’s aligned to what matters most to you. 


5 Tips to Setting Intentions (that can give more direction to your days):


1.     First thing in the morning is an ideal time to set an intention and set the tone for your day. As you open your eyes and put on your fuzzy slippers, close your eyes for an additional 30 seconds…..think of your intention for the day and say it out loud…

“My intention for today is to bring joy to everything I do”


2.     You can also set mini-intentions as you transition from one activity to another. While in quarantine, we all have plenty of opportunity to practice this one!! For example:


About to bake cookies with the kiddos? 

“My intention to let creativity happen without judgement”



Running to a Zoom call to discuss difficult workplace decisions? You can refocus in just 10 seconds by setting a new mini-intention.

“Let me be strong and empathetic as we make these hard choices”


3.     Sometimes a single word is all you need for an intention

“Calm” or “Confident” are simple – yet profound


4.     If your intention starts with “I won’t”, reframe to take a more upbeat approach. 

“I won’t feel dumb when I talk to my accountant” becomes “I’ll bring curiosity to my meeting with my CPA”


5.     Remember to tap into the words and feelings that bubble up when you pause to set your intention. Goals are often about things we want to do. Intentions are more about who we want to be. 


Especially when it comes to your wellness, I invite you to give setting intentions a try! 

For me, it’s wayyyyyyy more empowering to set an intention to grow my financial confidence than to write a list of personal finance to-do’s. And guess what? I’m more likely to want to cross things off that to-do list when operating under this intention because I feel more in charge! Intentions can fuel our actions.

If setting intentions for your days or your activities is new to you, I encourage you to give it a whirl. We’re in a transformative time so why not try transforming the way you move through your days?