What's your relationship with money?

What’s your relationship with money?

Maybe you think “I’m not good with money.” 🤦‍♀️

Maybe you don’t want to deal with money - though you want it to be there whenever you need it (obviously). 🙋‍♀️

Maybe you think you have more important things to deal with than money. 🙅‍♀️

Maybe you think life doesn’t really start until you have piles of money (so you’ll pay attention to it then). 🤷‍♀️

How you approach your financial journey and financial well-being might have more power than you realize.

Before diving into numbers and targets, pie charts and graphs, consider digging into your relationship with money. Get to know the thoughts and words you use to tell your money story.


Because they’ll ultimately affect your actions.

When you say “I can’t” do you really mean “I won’t”?

Even if you don’t understand something now, that doesn’t mean you can’t learn - get curious! 💁‍♀️

What words can we embrace for a healthier relationship with money?

Do you have any words to use? Words to lose?

Sheila Walsh