Can a rediscovered poster impact your money situation?
Leading into the second World War, Britain’s Ministry of Information commissioned a handful of striking posters to reassure and rally the British population. One poster read:
All around England, the signs adorned bus stops, train stations and billboards in 1939. In addition to the two poster designs that were scattered around the country, the Ministry also printed over two million copies of another that sat unused. The words on that poster?
Today, this is an iconic phrase. Yet, the original poster was never officially sanctioned for display and most of the originals were destroyed. Then, in 2001, an English bookseller discovered one at the bottom of a box of old books he purchased at an auction. The slogan resonated with him, so he framed it and hung in his shop. Customers started inquiring, “how can I get one of those?” So, he reproduced the poster and the message spread.
My guess is you’ve seen the phrase ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ around. Maybe on a poster…or a greeting card…or a coffee mug…or anything that can carry printed letters!
For me, it’s a reminder to stay with it.
It can be SO easy to get frustrated when things aren’t going the way I want them to go. Or when I’m unexpectedly affected by something I have no influence over….that’s talking to you coronavirus!
Carry on.
For years I had monthly student loan payments that hung over my head. Sometimes it was tough to even imagine what life would be like without that debt monster! Sticking to my repayment plan and carrying on is what moved me forward and out of debt.
Are you working hard to pay down credit cards, get rid of student loans, eliminate car payments or reduce your mortgage?
Stay with it.
According to the Imperial War Museum, the British government held the ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ poster back at the beginning of the war, saving it for anticipated more difficult days ahead. However, in part because of the confusing reaction to the first designs, the poster never made it to the public (some felt the first slogans were too abstract or patronizing.)
These wartime posters were not meant to be instructions. They were designed to offer reassurance during hard times and to encourage strong mindsets.
Carry on!
Our personal financial situations can change swiftly. The financial markets move rapidly too. If you’ve ever struggled to keep to a consistent savings or investing plan, one effective strategy to consider is using automatic contribution plans.
If you have a 401K or another employer-sponsored retirement plan, setting up a contribution plan for money to go straight from your paycheck into your retirement account is straightforward. If this isn’t an option, consider putting a reminder in your calendar or on your phone so you don’t forget to make annual contributions.
Stay with it.
Carry on.
And make it easy for yourself!
Automatic payments and sticky, memorable mantras are two simple AND effective ways to keep yourself on track. Life will continue to throw us all unexpected challenges. And when it does, if you want to print your own inspirational phrase on a coffee mug, go for it!